
Priority List of Adverse Events of Special Interest for

Marburg Virus

Version 1.1 (Updated 02 October 2024)

The SPEAC Executive Board welcomes input on this AESI list and will update it periodically. Please share input with the SPEAC and Brighton Collaboration team at

This list of potential Adverse Events of Special Interest (AESI) that could follow vaccines to prevent Marburg Virus Disease (MVD) was developed based on criteria established by the Safety Platform for Emergency Vaccines (SPEAC), which include:  
  1. A known association with immunization or a specific vaccine platform. 
  2. The occurrence during wild-type disease due to viral replication and/or immunopathogenesis. 
  3. A theoretical association derived from animal models.  
Special populations, including pregnant women, children, adolescents, and immunosuppressed individuals, may experience an increased frequency and severity of any of the AESIs listed as relevant to all populations. There are also specific AESI that are of particular relevance to special populations, and these are listed according to the population. It is important to note that children, pregnant women and immunocompromised individuals may also have increased severity of expected local and systemic reactogenicity, as well as unexpected autoimmune conditions.  

Note: Several AESI highlighted in gray are included due to their presence in MVD itself but are only relevant for possible live-attenuated vaccines (e.g. live attenuated MARV, measles vector, etc). These are not recommended to include for all platforms, e.g. Adenovirus-vectored vaccines.  

This list is based on available data for MVD vaccines, for consideration in deployment of investigational MVD vaccines in response to the 2024 outbreak in Rwanda.  Adaptions may be needed depending on the application. 

View the list below, and download it from our Zenodo site.

AESI: Myocarditis / Pericarditis
Specific to Marburg disease: ✅
Brighton Case Definition: Click to access
Brighton CD Companion Guide: Click to access

AESI: Hepatitis
Specific to Marburg disease: ✅ *
Specific to Vaccine: Live-attenuated
Brighton Case Definition: See FDA Toxicity Grading Scales†
Brighton CD Companion Guide: See FDA Toxicity Grading Scales†

AESI: Pancreatitis
Specific to Marburg disease: ✅ *
Specific to Vaccine: Live-attenuated
Brighton Case Definition: TBD
Brighton CD Companion Guide:  TBD

AESI: Orchitis
Specific to Marburg disease: ✅*, §
Specific to Vaccine: Live-attenuated
Brighton Case Definition: TBD
Brighton CD Companion Guide:  TBD
AESI: Hemorrhagic disease
Specific to Marburg disease: ✅
Brighton Case Definition: NO**
Brighton CD Companion Guide: NO**

AESI: Vaccine-associated Immune Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia (VITT)
Specific to vaccine: Ad-vectored
Brighton Case Definition: Click to access
Brighton CD Companion Guide: Click to access

AESI: Thrombocytopenia
Specific to Marburg disease: ✅
Specific to vaccine: All
Brighton Case Definition: Click to access Brighton CD Companion Guide: Click to access

AESI: Venous thromboembolism (VTE)
Specific to Marburg disease: ✅*
Specific to vaccine: Live-attenuated vaccines
Brighton Case Definition: TBD
Brighton CD Companion Guide: TBD

AESI: Anaphylaxis
Specific to vaccine: All vaccines
Brighton Case Definition: Click to access
Brighton CD Companion Guide: Click to access

AESI: Acute aseptic arthritis
Specific to vaccine: VSV-vectored 
Brighton Case Definition: Click to access
Brighton CD Companion Guide: Click to access

AESI: Severe MARV infection (ARDS; AKI with KDIGO ≥2; NEWS2≥7; LFTs≥3X upper limit of normal; shock; multisystem organ failure; death)†† or enhanced disease§§
Specific to Marburg disease: ✅*,††
Specific to vaccine: All vaccines §§ 
Brighton Case Definition: NO
Brighton CD Companion Guide: NO

AESI: Aseptic meningitis
Specific to Marburg disease: ✅*
Specific to vaccine: Live-attenuated
Brighton Case Definition: Click to access
Brighton CD Companion Guide: Click to access

AESI: Acute Encephalitis
Specific to Marburg disease: ✅*
Specific to vaccine: Live-attenuated
Brighton Case Definition: Click to access
Brighton CD Companion Guide: Click to access

AESI: Myelitis
Specific to Marburg disease: ✅
Specific to vaccine:
All vaccines
Brighton Case Definition: Click to access

Brighton CD Companion Guide: Click to access

Specific to vaccine: Ad-vectored
Brighton Case Definition: Click to access
Brighton CD Companion Guide: Click to access

AESI: Generalized convulsion
Specific to Marburg disease: ✅
Specific to vaccine: All vaccines
Brighton Case Definition: Click to access
Brighton CD Companion Guide: Click to access

AESI: Guillain Barré Syndrome
Specific to vaccine: Some vaccines
Brighton Case Definition: Click to access
Brighton CD Companion Guide: Click to access

AESI: Uveitis
Specific to Marburg disease: ✅*, §, ¶¶
Specific to vaccine: Live-attenuated
Brighton Case Definition: NO
Brighton CD Companion Guide: NO

AESI: Acute Kidney Injury
Specific to Marburg disease: ✅*
Specific to vaccine: Live-attenuated
Brighton Case Definition: NO
Brighton CD Companion Guide: NO

AESI: Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS)
Specific to Marburg disease: ✅
Brighton Case Definition: Click to access
Brighton CD Companion Guide: Click to access

AESI: Maculopapular rash
Specific to Marburg disease: ✅*
Specific to vaccine: Live-attenuated
Brighton Case Definition: Click to access
Brighton CD Companion Guide: NO

AESI: Single organ cutaneous vasculitis
Specific to vaccine: VSV-vectored
Brighton Case Definition: Click to access
Brighton CD Companion Guide: pending

Relevant to pregnant populations***

AESI: Stillbirth
Specific to Marburg disease: ✅
Specific to vaccine: Any vaccine
Brighton Case Definition: Click to access †††
Brighton CD Companion Guide: YES

AESI: Spontaneous abortion / Miscarriage
Specific to Marburg disease: ✅
Specific to vaccine: Any vaccine
Brighton Case Definition: Click to access
Brighton CD Companion Guide: Click to access

AESI: Antenatal hemorrhage
Specific to Marburg disease: ✅
Specific to vaccine: Any vaccine
Brighton Case Definition: Click to access
Brighton CD Companion Guide: NO

AESI: Preeclampsia / Eclampsia
Specific to vaccine: Any vaccine
Brighton Case Definition: Click to access §§§
Brighton CD Companion Guide: NO

Relevant to pregnant populations***

AESI: Congenital anomalies
Specific to Marburg disease: ✅
Specific to vaccine: Any vaccine
Brighton Case Definition: Click to access
Brighton CD Companion Guide: NO

AESI: Preterm birth
Specific to Marburg disease: ✅
Specific to vaccine: Any vaccine
Brighton Case Definition: Click to access
Brighton CD Companion Guide: Click to access

Relevant to pediatric populations

AESI: Febrile seizure¶¶¶
Specific to Marburg disease: ✅
Specific to vaccine: Any vaccine
Brighton Case Definition: NO****
Brighton CD Companion Guide: NO****

Priority List of Adverse events of special interest for


Version 1.0 (Updated 17 September 2024)
Likely due to direct viral infection and relevant mostly to live-attenuated vaccines.
Recommend applying FDA 2007 Toxicity Grading Scales:
§ Late sequela of MVD with evidence of viral persistence in tissue.
Hemorrhagic disease should have clinical evidence of spontaneous bleeding

** Evidence of spontaneous bleeding would suggest hemorrhagic disease. Evidence of spontaneous bleeding includes ≥ 1 of: bruising, purpura, epistaxis, petechiae, hematuria, hematemesis, hematoma, hematochezia, persistent bleeding from venipuncture sites, hemorrhagic oozing of skin lesion, conjunctival bleeding, vaginal bleeding (unless menstruating), occult bleeding from rectum, intracranial bleeding. These are included in the CD for thrombocytopenia; and the Companion Guide for thrombocytopenia has a glossary of terms relevant to spontaneous bleeding.
†† Organ involvement may present individually; severe infection would result in multisystem involvement.
§§ Theoretical concern about enhanced disease due to binding Abs to MARV antigens.
¶¶ One case report (Johannesburg ex Zimbabwe: Gear JSS, BMJ 1975 ); and evidence in Ebola virus disease.

*** Guidelines for data collection exists as part of the GAIA project:
 The Stillbirth CD publication update is pending.
§§§ BC CD for hypertensive disorder of pregnancy
¶¶¶ Age-based risk for children aged ≤ 5 y.

**** BC tools exist for Generalized convulsive seizure and Fever.  

Cite the Marburg AESI list:

Brighton Collaboration SPEAC Project. (2024). Priority List of Adverse Events of Special Interest (AESI) for Marburg Virus Disease Vaccines (V1.1). Zenodo. (PDF of AESI list can be downloaded from Zenodo).



Lassa Fever
Rift Valley Fever