Vaccine Safety Resources for Mpox

SPEAC's Vaccine Safety Resources for Mpox

Here you will find The Safety Platform for Emergency vACcines (SPEAC) Project’s protocol template for cohort event monitoring for active safety surveillance after vaccination with mpox vaccines. The protocol template includes a list of adverse events of special interest, CEM questionnaires, an adult informed consent form, and key elements for data collection for pregnant women and newborns. 

Protocol template to be used as template for observational study protocols for Cohort event monitoring (CEM) for active safety surveillance after vaccination with mpox vaccines.

List of potential AESI that could follow vaccines to prevent Mpox developed based on criteria which include:

  • A known association with immunization or a specific vaccine platform
  • The occurrence during wild-type disease due to viral replication and/or immunopathogenesis
  • A theoretical association derived from animal models.

This set of cohort event monitoring (CEM) questionnaires is part of the SPEAC Project’s CEM Protocol Template for active vaccine safety surveillance after vaccination with mpox vaccines. 

Informed consent form designed for adults who will receive an mpox vaccine. 

Resource focusing on key elements for data collection for pregnant women and newborns.